The Deadbeats helped make history last week, when corps pilots worked around the clock on July 26th, 2009, capturing dozens of enemy complexes in the Amarr region of Devoid, and successfully attacked the control bunker in the Amarr system of Halmah - flipping a system to Minmatar occupancy for the first time since the outbreak of faction warfare.
"It was quite a scene," reports Deadbeat senior pilot Admiral Magni, who bombed the Halmah bunker as a member of the Minmatar Militia support fleet that liberated Halmah. "The operation lasted until sunrise, and the system was finally ours around 06:30. Most of us were exhausted, but not too tired to form a sixty ship conga line to celebrate the victory."
This historic achievement got started almost 24 hours earlier, when Deadbeat pilot Sir Adle was the first corp member to join a plexing fleet that set out to capture as many enemy installations as possible. And throughout the long day, Deadbeat pilots Zen'Bar, Uriel Volta, Spike Diesel, and Hustle Fighter each helped to cap plex in Devoid and the Bleak Lands.
"Plexing is not usually considered glamorous work," commented corps pilot Zen'Bar. "But this was a mission we were all determined to see through. And it was a remarkable accomplishment."
The only organized resistance from the Amarr came shortly after Valklear General Sasawong - the most stalwart of all militia plexing officers - captured the final Amarr outpost in Halmah, which made the system vulnerable. The first few yellow bugs - as the Amarr are affectionately known - were immediately squashed as soon as they arrived in system.
But when the Halmah bunker bombing had started in earnest, a 30 pilot Amarr fleet arrived and the outnumbered militia retreated to a nearby station - while reinforcements were summoned from far and wide. And within a half hour, a 60 pilot Minmatar fleet was on the scene and finished bombing the bunker.
The little yellow bugs fled the system like cockroaches when the lights go on - but the Minmatar fleet followed in hot pursuit and killed about a dozen stragglers, while the others fled and hid.
Snake O'Donell, the victorious Minmatar fleet commander who submitted a battle report to the IGS on 2009.07.26, said, "We have already freed all slaves held by the Amarr in this system, but I do not believe the Republic intends to hold the Halmah solar system for any large amount of time."
Whatever the final fate of Halmah, a resounding signal of hope has been sent to the millions of slaves and virgins still held captive in hundreds of other systems by the Amarr - the Minmatar Militia are coming for their people. We are coming to end tyranny and oppression. Slavery shall not stand. And justice shall be swift and sure.
For freedom \o/

A new dawn for the people of Halmah
(c) Ryan Bliss, Digital Blasphemy