As of downtime on July 24th, 2010, all fifteen active corporations in the Ushra'Khan [U'K] were expelled from the ancient and venerable Minmatar alliance by a disgruntled director in the U'K's executor corporation. Using legal, but underhanded 'midnight voting' techniques, the stealthy takeover took all alliance members by surprise.
The Ushra'Khan organization and assets, including all of its systems and outposts in Providence, were then handed over to the pirate alliance Hydra Reloaded.
The traitor who conducted the silent coup boasted to the press that the meta-gaming treachery was conducted for money and a prominent position in the Hydra organization. Others allege he has "emotional issues."
Ugleb, a Brutor tribalist of the Sarz'na Khumatari and former U'K member told the ISD: "As of now, the Ushra'Khan is under hostile control and considered lost."
The reaction across New Eden was one of condemnation.
"Shame, shame, shame, Hydra," said Deadbeat pilot Hustle Fighter in the Eve Forums. "You couldn't do it by fighting, so you infiltrated and pulled a meta-game take over. How classless."
Even Amarr pilots have spoken against the Hydra treachery.
"I fought against the U'K in the first war in Providence," said Amarr Militia pilot Doctor Scarblood, "but I respect them as warriors. This is no way for an honorable alliance to end. For this, Hydra will be remembered as despicable and cowardly."
Many of the former U'K corps promptly joined the Circle-Of-Two [CO2] alliance, and vowed to retake Providence.
The Deadbeats have offered support and have now set U'K and Hydra to red, and set CO2, Daisho Syndicate [DAI], Important Internet Spaceship League [BDEAL], and their allies to blue for the duration of this latest war in Providence.
This new coalition wasted no time making the first move against Hydra. On July 27, an allied armada locked down KBP7-G, and over 80 ships were destroyed in the first hour. The system was made Vulnerable and Hydra's Frontline Fortress outpost was knocked into reinforced mode at 23:00 Eve Time.
While The Deadbeats were taking pot shots at Hydra pilots during this first engagement in Providence, the level of involvement of the Minmatar Militia as a whole is uncertain. The initial response to the U'K takeover within one prominent Militia channel was ambivalent at best, with one young pilot saying, "The U'K got what they deserved." And another saying, "We want pew-pew in Providence, not friends."
Militia involvement is further complicated by standings mechanics; the friendly alliances in Providence cannot set the Militia as an entity to blue, and setting standings to dozens of small militia corps is not practical.
But whatever the obstacles, many Militia corps have pledged to fight. "ROSS and our friends in Public ROSS are ready to assist," declared ROSS CEO Captain Vaguy in the Unity Forums.
"Our corps is also committed to helping our old friends and allies of the former Ushra'Khan," echoed Deadbeat CEO Lao Zuki. "We know many pilots offer lip service to the struggle for freedom in order to have fun fights in the Militia, but we're in it because the cause endures - and the dream will never die."
If you are interested in joining the fight against the Amarr, visit our recruiting center, or eve-mail Spike Diesel.
For freedom \o/