Our support of the Minmatar Militia means we are constantly flying in a war-dec environment. We're taking the fight to the Amarr. That means daily combat - and often when we least expect it. When trouble arrives unannounced, it is vital to understand how to use combat timers to your advantage.
Combat Aggression Timer (60 Seconds)
The 60 second combat aggression timer will come into effect at any time you have performed an aggressive action against another pilot. It does not matter who started the fight. This timer will prevent you from docking or using star gates. And the timer will count from the last aggressive action you committed.
A pilot is outnumbered at a gate. He turns off all of his guns to stop all aggressive actions. He now has to tank for 60 seconds until he can jump through the gate and escape his attackers.
Use this timer to your advantage. If traveling to a destination and get attacked at a gate, do not return fire - simply keep moving and your attackers cannot follow you into the next system.
And don't get into a fire fight at a station and think you can dock if your hull is smoking. Sixty seconds is an eternity. Fight smart.
PvP Log Off Timer (15 Minutes)The PvP log off timer is triggered by any aggressive action a pilot takes or is taken against him. If a pilot with an active PvP log off timer logs out from the game, his ship will remain in space for 15 minutes afterward. This timer will renew for the capsule, should the ship be destroyed within those 15 minutes after logging off.
A pilot escapes a tight situation after being shot at by a group of other pilots and warps to a safe spot. After evading his pursuers for 12 minutes he logs off from EVE Online. The pilots trying to find him are prepared and have a covert ops frigate on stand by with probe launchers. If they can probe out his ship within 15 minutes of him logging off, they can still destroy his ship. His capsule will be similarly vulnerable for 15 minutes after the destruction of his ship.
NOTE: This means that you can potentially lose your capsule up to 30 minutes after logging off. You have been warned.Session Change Timer (30 Seconds)This timer only comes into effect if the pilot has initiated a session change. A session change is any activity which will cause a change of status for that pilot's character. For example this includes, but is not restricted to joining or leaving fleets, boarding ships, undocking, and jumping through gates. This timer will prevent another session change from taking place for it entire duration.
A pilot jumps through a stargate. He spots a large gatecamp on the other side. In panic, he immediately activates his microwarpdrive and heads back to the gate to jump to safety. But unfortunately he can not do so for 30 seconds after he jumped in. Waiting for 30 seconds while cloaked would have served him better.Be careful not to join a fleet in low-sec or 0.0 while traveling to a gate - especially if you have hostiles on your heels. The session timer will kill you.
More info on this can be found in the Eve Wiki:-
Session Change Timer.
Global Criminal Countdown (15 Minutes)
If you perform any actions in Empire space (0.1 security status to 1.0 security status) that are against CONCORD law, then you will receive this timer - and you will appear as a red flashy to other pilots. Which means they can kill you without consequence from CONCORD.
This includes, but is not restricted to, all hostile actions against other pilots to whom you do not have any rights to engage in Empire space. In high security space (0.5 and above) you will be engaged by CONCORD vessels who will do everything in their power to destroy your ship while this timer is active. In low security space (0.1 to 0.4) you will be engaged by all sentry guns placed around gates and stations.
This timer will reset at any time you are spotted again by sentry guns or CONCORD vessels. This means that it will always reset if you warp to a station to dock or to a gate to jump out.
You can find further information on the global criminal countdown in the Eve knowledge base articles linked below:-
Global Criminal CountdownThe Criminal Flagging System.
Fly smart!
Actual photo of Deadbeats throwing jelly donuts at CONCORD