From out of the shadows, dark ships rumble across the night sky. Their ancient hulls shudder and boom. On every bridge, wizened pilots grip the controls and peer out at the hard cold void.
Once again the Deadbeats have launched their fleet. And this time they fly to crush an old injustice - and set a noble people free. Their new target is the Amarr Empire.
At high noon on January 10th, 2009, the Deadbeat corporate members voted unanimously to send ships to the aid of the Minmatar Militia. Fleet directors were authorized to open offices in Tribal Liberation Stations across Minmatar space. Money was set aside for a new combat POS. A combat recruitment drive was launched. Operational plans were posted to corps mail. And a general CTA has been sent forth.
Operational priorities include supporting the Minmatar Militia's general fleet activities in the contested and border regions; destroying the ships and resources of the Curatores Veritatis Alliance (CVA), the Amarrian puppets illegally occupying Providence; and, eliminating the pirates infesting many of the Matar ancestral worlds in The Great Wildlands.
Despite some early success against the Amarr, the collective forces of the Minmatar Militia, the Ushra'Khan, and the Electus Matari have suffered recent setbacks in this epic struggle for freedom. No one of good conscience can sit back and watch while the religious fanatics who rule the Amarr Empire conquer and enslave new regions.
It is time for all good men to rise up and stop the Amarrian aggression. And the Deadbeats will be at the tip of the spear.
For freedom \o/
2009.01.13 17:06
The Deadbeats are joining the Minmatar Republic faction at war. Within 24 hours all enemies of the Minmatar Republic faction will be enemies of The Deadbeats and fighting may begin.

(c) Ryan Bliss, Digital Blasphemy
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