ROSS Battles Forces from the UnderworldIn one of the oddest developments in the long war with the Amarr, wealthy pilots in the slaver militia hired a mercenary alliance known as the
Underworld Excavators to attack and destroy The Royal Order of Security Specialists [ROSS], a prominent corps of the Minmatar Militia.
Apparently mortified by the
recent loss of twenty battleships to a Minmatar Militia gang of thrashers and POS gunners, the Amarr were willing to pay 1 billion isk per week for the mercenary alliance to attack one lone Minmatar corporation.
Fighting commenced on July 4, 2010 at the Republic Fleet Assembly Plant at Auga VIII, when the Amarr's hired guns camped the station, which serves as the operational headquarters of ROSS.
The mercenaries brought two dozen battleships and battlecruisers to the station, but forgot to bring any fast tacklers - allowing ROSS pilots to use insta-undock points, fly to range, and pick off the hostile ships one at a time until the mercenaries fled in disarray.
Thus started several days of blunders by the mercenaries, who could not manage to win a single battle against ROSS pilots - and eventually the Underworld Excavators fled the Heimatar region after
losing twenty-six heavy ships for a KB loss of 2.31 billion isk to ROSS's loss of six ships.
The whole affair ended on July 10, when the hired guns received a complimentary send-off party by a small gang of disgruntled Amarr Militia pilots who attacked and destroyed several of their own mercenary ships at the Auga VIII station.
The thugs have not been seen or heard from since, and the 'war' is apparently over.
Humiliated by the stunning defeat to one lone Minmatar Militia corps, the leader of the mercenary alliance announced on the Eve forums that the group of killers has disbanded and no longer does business. It is unclear whether they plan to refund any money to their Amarr bosses.
"You can't make this stuff up," commented Deadbeat pilot Spike Diesel. "This was the strange case of man bites dog in outer space. We're still laughing."
ROSS CEO Captain Vaguy - who recently celebrated his
5,000th Faction Warfare kill - did not seek and did not allow any other Minmatar Militia corporation to war dec the mercenaries.
"We appreciate the offers of assistance," said Vaguy in the ROSS Public channel just prior to the outbreak of hostilities, "but we don't want to scare them off, we don't want a lot of Militia corps to war dec them. We'd like to handle this ourselves."
And handle it, they did.
Infuriated by yet another public embarrassment, the Amarr switched gears and went on to hire the infamous mercenary group known as
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams [FRICK] to attack ROSS. Sharks were once an elite member of the Mercenary Coalition [MC] who fought with the Band of Brothers [BoB] near the end of that alliance's tyrannical reign.
The new mercenaries declared war on July 11, and according to their own
KB, flew around the FW war zone regions for three days without managing to kill a single ROSS pilot. Then, in the final turn of this twisted tale, the Sharks mysteriously retracted their war dec on July 14.
"It's quite baffling," said Captain Vaguy. "We were really looking forward to having some fun with the Sharks."
No reason for the Sharks retraction has been given by either side, but Amarr insiders say some senior slaver pilots are "steaming" and a leadership shake-up may be imminent.
Stay tuned and keep the popcorn hot.
If you are interested in joining the fight against the Amarr, visit our recruiting center, or eve-mail Spike Diesel.For freedom \o/
The Amarr plan to send more sharks to Heimatar